Bread Improver 350 (baking ingredients) Baking ingredients Bread Improver 350 1. Available for all kinds of bread, toast, Danish bread, bun, steamed bread. especially good for sweet bread.
soft's bread improver (bakery ingredients) Bakery ingredients soft's bread improver 1. Character: *Make the bread softer *Good moisture retention capacity. *Suitable for all kinds of bread,
fruit flavoured powder (for beverage) fruit flavoured powder Character:Contain fruit taste and fruit fragrance. Use:For pearl milk tea series,mousse,jelly,ice cream and other beverages. D
instant jelly powder instant jelly powder Use:Forjelly,teajelly,coffeejelly,puddingjelly,cakefilling,peanutjelly. Dosage:0.5% 1
Chocolate Filling(Special for bakery) Chocolate Filling (Special for Bakery) 1. Character: It is chocolate paste, mainly used by Ice cream, cake, biscuit, confectionery manufacturer and c
Coldgeli Neutral Glaze Coldgeli Neutral Glaze 1. Character: it has crystal colour and smooth texture and can make mirror effects when brush on the surface of fruit, dessert
Coconut Flavoured Powder(stronger flavour)(1kg) Coconut Flavoured Powder(stronger flavour)Character: Contain strong scent of coconut and coconut milk
fresh milk flavored powder(1kg) milk flavoured powderCharacter: Especiallyformakingpasty, chiffoncake, bread, toast, bubblecakes,alsoforallkindsofdairyfoodandotherbakeryfood. Ingred
Baking Powder(3kg) Baking Powder character:little amount,good raising dffect and won't shrink. use:for cake and pastry. Dosage:0.5%-1
Sablee Cranberry Fruit Filling (for bakery) Sablee Cranberry Filling Fruit Filling for bakery 1. Character: Made of high quality cranberry; with 65% fruit pulp and preserve the fresh flavour of
Sablee Blueberry Fruit Filling Sablee Blueberry Fruit Filling Fruit Filling for bakery 1. Character: Madeof blueberries of high quality with fruits content 65%, preserve the fresh
Happy Farm Strawberry Jam 1. Ingredients: strawberry, water, sugar, high fructose syrup, edible starch, food additive ( citric acid, cochineal, citrine, potassium sorbate ). 2